Gym Workouts For Beginners

I highly recommend joining a gym, if you can somehow add it to your budget. It is actually not that expensive, compared to other areas of spending, such as cell phone bills and eating out. You should be able to get a membership for $20-$25 per month, which is very reasonable, considering it is an …

10 Most Effective Strategies To Boost Your Workouts!

Do you do the same exercise routine every week? Do you go to the same machines every gym session? If so, this may be why you are not seeing the dramatic results you want from your weight loss program. So here are some suggestions to increase the intensity of your next workout! Not only will …

Zumba: Is It Worth The Wait?

I frequent the gym during the busy hours of the early evening, when it seems everyone is there. So as I ride the bike or climb the stepper (if it happens to be open), I can’t help but notice the ever-growing line waiting for Zumba class. The class starts at 6 pm, but ladies start …