15-Minute Home Workout For Busy Parents

As much as you may love (or hate) to exercise, it is often difficult getting to the gym when you have children. Between school, ball games, meals, work and housecleaning, you may not have the extra 30-60 minutes to do a usual cardio and strength exercise routine. So here are a few exercises you can …

Gym Workouts For Beginners

I highly recommend joining a gym, if you can somehow add it to your budget. It is actually not that expensive, compared to other areas of spending, such as cell phone bills and eating out. You should be able to get a membership for $20-$25 per month, which is very reasonable, considering it is an …

Willpower, Exercise Priority and Why Dieting Does Not Work

Willpower When you are trying to lose weight, it will be impossible unless you learn to demonstrate willpower in regards to food. You can make it easier on yourself by not having your favorite snack foods in the house, but at some point the food will stand before you, and you will have a choice. …

Health/Fitness Review: Gold’s Gym

My review of Gold’s Gym (Village at Sandhill in Columbia, SC) The facility is a good size, with 3 main workout areas. The largest one has around 15 treadmills, 15 elliptical machines, 8 stationary bikes, 3 stair climbers, 1 upper body bike and a lot of machine weights.  The second area has around 8 treadmills, …

Why you haven’t lost weight at the gym

I went to the gym today and as I was exercising, I noticed some things that could be problematic for gym-goers. First, a lot of people were doing cardio exercise at a slow or moderate pace. They did not appear to be working very hard. The point of cardio is to strengthen your heart, so …


I highly recommend cardio exercise as one piece of a weight management program. Here are some tips: Be sure your cardio workouts are challenging! You should be sweating and breathing moderately hard throughout (unless you have medical conditions–please consult your physician). Your heart rate should be 50-70% of your maximum heart rate (220 minus your …